User Administration                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Account Management.User Administration (360)


The User Administration page allows System Administrators to edit, delete and add new user accounts to the ClimateMaster Solution Center system. Users may also e-mail CSMC users directly from the User Administration page.


You may access the page by selecting User Administration from the Administration menu. The page is divided into two sections. The top section displays all the users of the system and the bottom section displays the users that belong to a specific group. See the figure below for an example.


Both sections feature sortable grids. Users can sort the grids by clicking the column header for any of the columns. For example if you wish to sort the top section by first name simply click the First Name column one time.


The grid will automatically sort in alphabetical ascending order (A-Z). If you click the same column again the grid will re-sort this time presenting the users in reverse alphabetical order (Z-A). Other sort options include:


User/Group name

Last Name

Permission Level


Rep Company

Phone # 1




To e-mail a user please view the help topic entitled E-mailing a User.


If you need to locate the user account click the Search for a User:  icon.




In this example we are searching for a user named John Doe. We entered a first name and last name and clicked the  button.


NOTE! search fields are not case-sensitive. The more fields that you entered the more specific your search will be. It is recommended that you use the "Contains" option instead of the "Exactly" option. Contains will find the characters searched for no matter where they are contained in the field. For example, if we searched for a first name of John, it will return any users with the word john in their name. If a user's first name was Johnny or has the letters john anywhere in the first name it would be returned in the results list.


The results will be displayed in the bottom of the search dialog box. See the figure below.



In the results portion of the search pop-up dialog box you will see several columns. From here you can perform any number of actions. The actions that can be performed are:


View a list of the user's projects

View a list of child users under the selected user

E-mail the user

Edit the user's properties


For more information about viewing a user's projects please see the help topic entitled Project Customer Service.


For more information about e-mailing a user view the help topic entitled E-mailing a User.


For information about editing a user account's properties see the help topic Modifying User Properties.