Project Customer Service                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Misc.Project Customer Service (340)


The Project Customer Service tool allows users to search for projects in the ClimateMaster Solution Center software. This is generally used when a user other than the user that created a project wishes to locate a particular project.


For example, if a Regional Sales Manager wanted to locate a project that one of his or her sales representatives is working he or she can locate using the Find Projects tool. In order to use the tool the user must have the permission level of Application Engineer, Customer Service, Pricing Administrator or System Administrator.


To access the Find Projects tool select Project Customer Service from the Tools menu.


From here you can search for projects using the rep's e-mail address. To locate a project enter the user's e-mail address in the User Email text box and click the  button. The system will validate the e-mail address that you entered and if the address is valid will search the system for any projects created by the user specified.


Note! The tool will only list active projects. Any projects marked inactive by the project owner will not be displayed.



The results that are displayed will be similar to the result shown when the user accesses the Project menu.