Approve User Account Requests Account Management.Approve User Account Requests (400)
All users of the CMSC software must have a user account. User accounts uniquely identify the user to the system and allow ClimateMaster to control the level of access to the system. One of the ways for a user to receive an account is for them to request one. This process is outlined in the topic Request a User Account. All account requests must be approved by a system administrator.
To approve an account the system administrator will login to the CMSC and select Administrator from the Dashboards menu.
A page showing all the outstanding user account requests will be displayed. See below.
To review the user account request click the magnifying glass icon . This will redirect you to the User Account Request Approval page (shown below). The New User Default Settings section displays the default settings that the new user account will inherit during the creation process. If you wish to make changes to these settings click the Edit link at the bottom of the section. Once you have made any changes desired click the Update link.
If you wish to deny the user request and remove the request from the Administration Dashboard, click the Delete icon on the right side of the dashboard and confirm the delete request. NOTE! The user that requested the account is not notified that their request has been deleted.
These settings can also be modified after the user has been created. See the help topic Adding New Users for more details on changing user defaults.
The Request Details pane displays the information submitted by the user during the request process. The information displayed in this panel is detailed in the help topic entitled Modifying User Properties.
The User Settings panel allows the administrator to set the basic properties of the new user account. The information displayed in this panel is detailed in the help topic entitled User Account Settings and User Administrator Functions. Just like described in the user administration section, it is necessary to select a Company, Permission Level and Parent User (in that order) when creating the new user account.
Once you have reviewed the user's request for an account and have set any of the properties for the user, you may click the or
button. Approving the request will create the user account with the parameters specified and will notify the user via their e-mail address of the account approval.
Clicking the button sends an e-mail to the e-mail address of the user requesting the account informing them that their account request has been denied. The request will remain in the Solution Center unless the administrator selects the Delete User Request check box at the time the request is denied.
Clicking the Cancel button returns the administrator to the Administration dashboard and no other action is performed.
In addition to approving or denying user accounts, the administrator is also able to send the user requesting the account a message upon completion of the administrative action.
If you wish to send a message to the user upon approval or denial of their user account request, you may enter a message in the text area of the message pane shown above. When you click either the or
button the message you entered is appended to the standard e-mail message sent to the user requesting the account.