Adding New Users                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Account Management.Adding New Users (50)


Update for 3.1.82 - The option to allow a user to create child users will be disabled for user accounts that have a permission level less than Rep Manager.


Each sales representative office has been assigned at least one master user who is the “Parent” of all users in the office. That Parent user can add and maintain other “Children” users for their office. Users can be assigned different permissions to use the system at the same permission level or less as the parent permission level. Children can also add users of like permissions as themselves.


Users who work in a ClimateMaster rep office need to have accounts to access the ClimateMaster Solution Center software. Additionally, users may want to share and collaborate project, selection, and pricing information with other users, such as assistants within the rep office. Reps can also add consulting engineer users to the system as a child user. For these scenarios, a user can create accounts for others, known as “child users” to their own account.  Here is a typical setup:


ClimateMaster Sales Manager

Sales Rep Office XYZ Owner

oSales Person A

oSales Person B

Sales Assistant

Consulting Engineer A

Consulting Engineer B

Engineer users in Consulting Engineer B office


Here’s how to add child users to your company’s account:

1.Log into the application. Note: The rest of these instructions will refer to the current user as the “rep” and assume that it is the rep setting up child users in that office.

Select User Administration from the Administration Menu bar at the top of the screen. The User Administration screen will appear (see below). The upper portion of the screen shows the rep’s “sibling” users under the “parent” user’s group that they are members of. The lower portion, shown below, shows the rep’s “child” users in the group that the rep is the parent of. It is here that new user’s for the rep office will be added.

In the “New User Name” box, type a unique Username (we recommend such as their email address name) for the user being added and click. 

1.The User Information screen will appear for the new user. The first section is the “General User Information”.  

2.Some of the information- Company name, Address, Phone, and Fax- will be filled in by default to be the same as the parent user. The First Name, Last name and E-mail are unique to the user and are required. The rest of the fields are optional. The remaining sections of the page are for setting the desired permissions for the user.

User Account Settings 

Active: Select to activate the user's account. You may also de-activate the account in the future, should you no longer want this individual to access the site.

User Can Create Projects: If User can create ClimateMaster projects of his own.

User Can Create Child Users: If User will need to add other Users in the future, such as additional employees in his office.  For example, if you are adding an engineer to the system, you may want that engineer to be able to add other engineer users in their office.

User Can See Sibling Users: If this individual should see other Users at their level, such as other customers for whom you have created accounts. This option is not recommended.

Timeout Minutes: Enter the number of minutes of inactivity before the system will request the User’s password again. 30 minutes is suggested. The acceptable range is between 30 and 32,767 minutes


Rep Account Settings

User Can Create Orders: If this check box is selected the user will be able to create new orders in the Solution Center.

Is User Regional Sales Manager: Select this check box if the user account is to act in the role of a regional sales manager. This check box will be disabled for users unless they have a User Permission Level of Pricing Administrator or higher. RSMs have the ability to approve multiplier requests.

User Permission Level: Specifies the user's permission level. Note! You will not be able to assign a user permission level higher than your own permission level. For more information regarding user permission levels please refer to the help topic entitled Permission Levels. (required).

Parent User: Specifies the parent, or owner, of this user account. Parent users are built using a combination of the company and the selected user permission level. This list is dynamically updated when the company or user permission level is modified. If this is the first user for a new company, the list will be blank. It is recommended that once the first user is created for a new company that you assign the parent of the user. In most cases the parent user will be the Rep Manager for the company.

Regional Sales Manager: The Regional Sales Manager is the user that will receive any multiplier requests from the user.

Change User Name: This text box will display the current login name of the user account. User names must be unique throughout the Solution Center.

Change Customer ID: This text box displays the unique identifier value for the company selected. This is for informational purposes only and cannot be modified.

Reset Password: Clicking this button sends an e-mail to the user with a link that enables them to reset their password.

Product Types for This User: This allows the user administrator to specify which product types the user is able to select. Use the key above this text box to specify the product types for the user. In most cases the correct value for this box will be 5, 4. The value in this text box is usually only pertinent for Rep type users.


                    Default Multiplier Settings

                    The default multiplier settings area of the user properties allows the user administrator to specify the starting multipliers for each user. A multiplier is the factor by which retail prices are multiplied for the rep when an                               order or quote is created. The lower the multiplier value the more of a discount is applied. For example a multiplier value of 1 means that no discount is applied. A multiplier of .40 means that the user is requesting a                               60% discount on the product type.

                    Users are not required to have default multipliers configured for their accounts. If a user with no default multipliers configured creates an order or quote the system will use the default value of 1.

                    For more information regarding user account properties please view the help topic entitled Modifying User Properties elsewhere in this manual.

Please note that creating a user account in the ClimateMaster Solution center does not create the user account in the Business Center system. In order for a user to access the Business Center please submit a request to ClimateMaster for a Business Center user account. This process may take up to ten business days to complete.

Click the  to return to the User Administration screen. The new user will now appear as a child user for the user.