Preparing an Order
In most cases representatives should prepare a quote and then convert the quote into an order. This process is detailed in the section entitled Creating an Order from a Quote. However, it is possible to create an order without first creating and then converting a quote. You can create as many order per project as you want (one for each customer if desired). To create an order follow the steps described in the section below.
When all desired line items are priced, select the line items to be added to the order and click
button to assign the items to a new order.
Note! You may add additional line items to an order later by repeating the step above and selecting the Order's name from the drop down list of orders. If you need to remove line items from the Order form, you may do that in the Order form details.
Once the Order has been created, you need to fill out a few fields to finalize the order. At a minimum you need to select values for the following items:
•Order Type
•Transaction Type
•Order Status
•Purchase Order
•Project Phase
•Building Type
•Job Type
•Shipping Zip Code
•Contact Name
•Contact Phone
•Shipping Terms
•Ship Via method
Additionally, you may select other options to assist you in creating the quote. Each of the options are explained below.
1.Order Info Section
•Project Number: – A user definable combination of alphanumeric characters that you can use to help keep track of the project.
2.Project Description
•Number of Floors: - The number of floors in the building. The default is set to zero.
3.Customer Information
•Customer Account: - The customer's account number.
•Name: - The name associated with the customer's account. Typically, the name of the company or organization for whom the order is being placed.
•Address 1: - The primary street address of the customer's business.
•Address 2: - Additional address information for the customer.
•City: - The city where the customer's is located.
•State: - The state where the customer's is located.
•Country: - The country where the customer is located.
•Zip: - The zip or postal code where the customer is located.
•Tax Exempt: - If the customer has a tax exempt status select the Yes radio button. If the customer is not tax exempt then select No. By default this option is set to no.
•Tax Certificate #: - If the customer is tax exempt this text box will be active and you will be able to enter the customer's tax certificate or resell number in this field.
•Shipping Terms – Select either FOB Factory OKC - freight prepaid or FOB Factory OKC - customer pickup .
•Ship Via – This allows you to select the method of shipping to be used.
• - If the equipment being ordered is to be shipped to the same address as the information in the Sell To section you can click this button to copy the information from the Sell To section to the Ship To section.
•Name: - The name to be used on the shipping containers that designates the name of the company that will be the recipient of the equipment.
•Address 1: - The primary address when the equipment will be shipped
•Address 2: - Additional shipping address information.
•City: The city where the equipment will be shipped.
•State: - The state where the equipment will be shipped.
•Country: - The country where the equipment is to be shipped.
•Zip: - The zip or postal code where the equipment is to be shipped.
•Contact Name: - The person that should be contacted if any questions or issues occur during the shipping process.
•Contact Phone: The contacts person's phone number.
•Special Order Instructions: - Allows the representative to enter notes related to the order. The special instructions text box allows a maximum of 255 characters to be entered. The notes will be attached to the order and passed along to the factory when the order is placed.
•Split Shipments: - By default, unless specified, all units are shipped together in a single shipment. If however, the representative desires, shipments can be split. To allow shipments to be split check the check box labeled Yes. Please note that split shipments may incur additional freight charges.
4.Rep Information
•Rep Firm Name – Used to tell ClimateMaster the name of your firm or company. This information comes from your user account and cannot be changed.
•Rep Salesperson Name – In most cases this will be the name of the person preparing the quote. It will automatically fill in the name that is associated with your account but you may change it if necessary.
•Regional Sales Manager – By default your default regional sales manager will be selected. If you have more than one regional sales manager you may be able to select a different manager.
•Rep Phone Number – Enter the best phone for you in case that someone from ClimateMaster needs to call you.
•Rep Fax Number – If you have a fax number you may enter it here.
5.Rep Checklist
•Signed Purchase Order Attached - By clicking the button the representative can attached a purchase order or other document to the order. This document is not transmitted with the order when it is submitted to ClimateMaster and is only available within the CMSC software. See the help topic entitled Uploading Files to CMSC for more information on uploading files and the restrictions on file uploads.
6.Optional Extended Warranties – ClimateMaster offers various additional warranties over and above the standard warranties that come with most products. If you wish to extend the coverage of the standard warranty you may select one of the options in this section. Certain models are not eligible for extended warranties. Warranty costs are calculated as a percentage of the base price of the units and the cost for the warranty is automatically calculated and updated in the Pricing Summary section.
7.Pricing Summary – This section of the quote shows several prices that are automatically updated when you make changes to the quote form.
•Total List Price – This is the total list price of all the items in your quote including accessories. The total list price does not include the cost of tagging, net adds, optional warranties, special engineering requests, quick build options freight or change order items.
•Multiplier – This is the weighted cost multiplier that is being applied to your order. The weighted multiplier is calculated by the system automatically and is dependent upon several factors. This is an estimate only and is not meant to be authoritative. See the section entitled Multiplier Calculations for more information on how multipliers are calculated.
•Sub-Total Net – This value is calculated by multiplying the Total List Price by the Multiplier. This shows the approximate cost of the quote.
•Tagging – ClimateMaster charges to add tagging information to units. The amount charged for tagging is set by ClimateMaster and is not configurable by the user. If you select to have your units tagged tagging will automatically be applied to all units in your order at the predefined price. Tagging may be applied to Non Vertical Stack and/or Vertical Stack Units.
•Net Adds – Any additional net adds that you add in the Net Adds section are totaled and this total is automatically shown in the Net Adds section of the pricing summary.
•Optional Warranty Adds – If you selected any additional warranties the cost of the warranty will be shown here.
•Special Engineering Requests – If you or the engineering department added any special engineering requests, once those requests have been reviewed and priced by ClimateMaster, the total will be displayed in this section.
•QuickBuild Options – If any of the units you selected are eligible for the QuickBuild option an additional fee will be added to your quote if you select this option. The amount of the QuickBuild fee will be displayed here. The amount for the QuickBuild option varies based on the model of the unit. If you select QuickBuild all of the items in your quote will be charged the QuickBuild fee. If you wish to have some units built using the QuickBuild option and others not to use the QuickBuild option you must create two separate orders. For more information on QuickBuild please view the topic entitled QuickBuild option.
•Total Equipment – This represents the total of the Sub-Total Net, Tagging, Net Adds, Optional Warranty Adds, Special Engineering Requests and QuickBuild Options. For orders this figure will also include the cost of any change order items.
•Freight – If the units in your quote are eligible to be shipped via standard freight this value will automatically be calculated to include the cost of the shipping. If you choose “Customer Pickup” in the Ship Via drop down list this amount will change to 0 automatically. You can also supply your own cost for freight by clicking the Quoted check box and then entering a Freight Quote Number and an amount in the freight cost section.
•Change Order Costs - If you have reopened an order that was submitted to ClimateMaster through the Business Center software you may incur additional charges related to modifications made to the order. If so, these fees will be displayed individually in the Change Order Items section and the total of all the items will be displayed here.
•Total Net Price – This is the sum of Total Equipment and Freight.
•Estimated Commission – If the quote is eligible for commission, the estimated weighted commission will be displayed here. View the help topic entitled Commission Calculations for more information on how commissions are calculated.
8.Commissions Section – This section of the quote allows you to view/set your multiplier and commission rates for the quote. It consists of two major sections.
•Quick Build - If you are selecting the quick build option for this order select the "Quick Build for TC sizes" check box. This option is only available for certain products, sizes and order types.
•Sales Commission – In this subsection you can select from the published multiplier rates and request a different multiplier. You can also make adjustments to the commission rates in some cases
oYou will note that when you first create a quote several columns are blank or empty. Also certain fields have been disabled. You must first select and Order Type and Transaction type for these fields to become active.
oDepending upon the combination of values selected for the Order Type and Transaction Type you may be able to change the value in the Published Multiplier drop down lists.
•Commission Split – In this subsection you are able to select whether or not you wish to split your commission. If you select No for the Split Commission option (the default setting), all of the other controls in this section are disabled as they do not apply. If you select Yes the other controls become active. If you chose this option you are required to select a value for each of the following fields:
oInfluence – Owner Influenced or No Owner Influence
oSpecification Type – Flat, Base, Named or Not Named
oIn the Representative Name text boxes fill in the names of the Territory, Engineer, Contractor and Owner (if you selected Owner Influenced in the Influence drop down list)
oThe Commission Percent text box will automatically update to display the commission split percentages. The values in these text boxes cannot be modified.
9.Line Items & Accessories – This section allows you to assign requested ship dates to line items and delete line items. It also allows you to view the details and modify the pricing information for each of the line items. This section has two views, the default view displays a summary view of the line items and the other view displays each line item individually.
•The first section displays a summary of all of the line items currently that are part of the order. The summary view displays the quantity, order code, requested ship date, list price and total price for the line item. Since this is a summary the grid will group all of the identical items together in a single line. If any of the options configured for the line item result in the item having a different order code the line item is considered unique and will result in a separate line being displayed.
•By clicking the (Show Details) link in the header for the Consolidated Line Items, the grid will switch to show the details of the line items contained in the order. From this view you will be able to view the details of each line item, price the line item and delete individual line items from the order.
•The accessories section is similar to the line items section. It also will display items in either a summary or details view as shown below.
10.Optional Unit Tagging – In this section you can elect to have tags put on your quoted items. The additional cost incurred for unit tagging is shown next to each distinct type of unit (Vertical Stack vs. Non Vertical Stack) and the price may be different for each type. If you elect either type of tagging please note that the tagging price will apply to all of the units in your quote. For example, if you have ten non vertical stack units in your quote but you only want five of them to be tagged you would have to put five units on one quote and five units on another quote. Then on one quote you would click the check box for Non Vertical Stack Units and leave it unchecked on the other quote.
11.Order Net Adds – If you wish to add additional items to your order you may do so in this section. Click the button to display the Insert Net Add pop-up box. All fields are required. The system will automatically calculate the total by multiplying the Quantity times the Price Each and will add the Set-Up Fee. Once you entered all the values required click the
button to return to the order form.
When you return to the quote form your net add will automatically be displayed in the section. You can edit the net add item by clicking on the edit icon . You can delete the net add by clicking on the delete icon
12.Special Engineering Request – If you need to make a special request to ClimateMaster to have something done at the factory that is out of the ordinary, use the information in this section to make the request to the factory.
Click to display the Insert Special Request pop-up. Enter a description (up to 255 characters) and the quantity. Click the
button to add the special request and return to your order.
Once you save it you will see your request in a grid below the button.
The Price Ea, Set-Up Fee, Total, and Date Reviewed columns will initially be blank and the Status column will display the status of Select Status. The data in this table will not change until you have submitted the order to the engineering department and they have completed their review of your request.
Once you submit your order to the engineering department you will not be able to make changes to your request until they have completed their review and have sent the order back to you.
13.Printing the Order - You may print the entire order by clicking the Printer icon at the top of the order form. A new window will be launched from which you can use your web browser’s normal print function to print the order.
14.Additional Order Command Buttons
Save the order and come back to it later. If you have left any of the required fields on the order form blank or have not selected a valid value you will receive the following message:
Scan the order for any alert icons and correct any items on the order form.
Generates a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file and prepares the order to be submitted to the ClimateMaster business center for processing. Once an order has been submitted you will not be able to make changes to the order unless you first re-open the order. Additional costs may be incurred on orders that are re-opened. Please see the section entitled Reopen an Order for more information.
For quotes that include one or more specials engineering requests (a line item that requires special options or pricing in the application), you should click this button to request the ClimateMaster Engineering department to review the order. An email is sent to ClimateMaster engineering and the order is flagged for engineering review. Engineering can add additional list pricing to accommodate the changes requested. They can reselect and re-price any unit if required. ClimateMaster engineering re-releases it back to the rep with the changes. Note that during this process, you may view the order but not make changes to the order nor any line items in the order while engineering is reviewing it. Once ClimateMaster engineering has released the order back to the rep, the rep has control over the line items again.
Saves the order and exports all the order line items and accessories to an Excel spreadsheet. See Exporting a Quote for more information.
Saves the order and exports a consolidated list of line items and accessories to an Excel spreadsheet. See Exporting a Quote for more information.
The order remains as it is, all edits are lost, and you are returned to the dashboard