Modifying User Properties Account Management.Modifying User Properties (390)
System administrators and certain other users have the ability to modify the properties of certain users. To modify a user's properties locate the user account (see User Administration for more information) and click the Edit button to navigate to the User Administration page.
Once you are redirected to the User Administration page you will see a page that contains several sections and you will be able to make modifications to user properties in five general areas
•General User Information
•User Account Settings
•Rep Account Settings
•User Administrator Functions
•Default Multiplier Settings
This section contains settings related to the user's contact information. Information such as the user's name, e-mail address, physical address and phone number information can be specified. The following fields in this section are required:
•Company Name - Represents the company at which the user works or is consulting for. (automatically filled in when company name is selected in User Administrator Functions panel)
•First Name - Represents the user's first name - (maximum of 40 characters)
•Last Name - Represents the user's last name - (maximum of 40 characters)
•E-mail Address - Represents the e-mail address of the user account. Is used for password resets and when sending request and response e-mails. (maximum of 100 characters. Must be unique through the entire Solution Center)
•Country - Represents the home country of the user account.
Other non-required fields in this section are:
•Job Title - Represents the job title or position of the user - (maximum of 50 characters)
•Address Line 1 - The physical address of where the user is located - (maximum of 80 characters)
•Address Line 2 - The secondary address of the user or additional address location information - (maximum of 80 characters)
•City - The city where the user resides - (maximum of 50 characters)
•State - The state where the user resides
•Phone #1 - The primary phone number used to contact the user (maximum of 20 characters)
•Phone #1 Extension - The user's phone extension for the primary phone number (maximum of 10 characters)
•Phone #2 - The secondary phone number that can be used to contact the user (maximum of 20 characters)
•Phone #2 Extension - The user's phone extension for the secondary phone number (maximum of 10 characters)
•Fax - The facsimile (fax) number for the user (maximum of 20 characters)
•Pager - The pager number for the user (maximum of 20 characters)
•Cell Phone - The cellular phone number for the user (maximum of 20 characters)
This section allows administrators to specify actions that a user may be allowed to perform. A brief explanation of each setting follows:
•User is Active - Specifies if a user can login to the CMSC software. See the section entitled Making a User Inactive for more information.
•User Can Create Projects - If selected, the user will have permissions to create new projects.
•User Can Create Child Users - If selected, the user will be allowed to create users that reside underneath their account. See the Adding New Users section for details.
•User Can See Sibling Users - This property, if selected, will permit the user to see sibling users (or users at the same level) as themselves in the User Administration section.
•Timeout Minutes - Timeout specifies how long the system will allow a user to remain logged in to the system without any activity before they are logged out. The default for this value is 30 minutes. Avoid making this value too large (more than 480 minutes) as this may cause more of a load on the system than shorter activity timeouts. It can also present a security risk if the user leaves their computer or device unattended. The minimum value is 30 and the maximum of 32767 (roughly 546 hours)
There is only one setting in this section; User Can Create Orders. If this check box is selected the user will have the ability to create new orders and possibly work through the order process and eventually submit the orders to the manufacturer. Un-check this check box and the user will no longer be able to create orders.
This section allows the administrator to specify the permission level of a user, change the parent of a user account, select the user's regional sales manager, change the user's login name and customer id as well as specify the type of units a user may be able to select. Each option is explained below.
•Company - Associates the user account with a company. The value in the company drop down list is used to build a list of available Parent Users.
•Is User Regional Sales Manager - If the user performs the role of regional sales manager ensure that the check box is selected. Only users with a permission level of Pricing Administrator or System Administrator are eligible to perform the role of Regional Sales Manager. The check box will automatically be disabled if the permission level is lower than that of Pricing Administrator.
•User Permission Level - Restricts the type of actions a user can perform and limits the pages that a user can visit. There are currently eight different permission levels. View the topic Permission Levels for more information.
•Parent User - Displays the current parent user. Administrators may also use this drop down list to reassign the user to a new parent user. This could be used if the user moved to a different location or company and wants to maintain their current login information while continuing to be able to access all of their existing projects. Note! Parent users are specific to the company selected in the Company drop down list. Parent users must have a permission level equal to or higher than the permission level set in the User Permission Level drop down list box.
•Regional Sales Manager - Displays the user's regional sales manager. A regional sales manager is a user account that has the permission level of Pricing Administrator. This is usually the person designated by the user or ClimateMaster to approve special multiplier requests. All special multiplier requests are forwarded to the person specified as the user's regional sales manager.
•Change User Name - The user's current login name is displayed here. The name may be changed whenever necessary (such as after a name change event). User names must be unique throughout the system.
•Change Customer ID - This is the identification number of the company with which the user is associated. This number will automatically change when the company is modified.
•Reset Password - If a user has forgotten their password and cannot reset the password themselves using the functionality in the Recover a Forgotten Password section, a System Administrator may reset their password by clicking this button. By doing this the system will send the user a password reset e-mail with a link that allows the user to reset their password. The e-mail will be sent to the address specified in the E-mail Address text box in the General User Information section. Starting in version 3.3.0 of the Solution Center, when a user password request a confirmation message will appear to let the administrator know that a password reset message has been sent to the user. See figure below:
Once the password reset e-mail has been sent to the user a green check mark will appear next to the Reset password button. This informs the administrator that a password reset message has been generated and sent to the user. See the figure below:
Once the user resets their password the green check mark will no longer display in the User Administrator Functions panel. This signifies to the administrator that the user has completed the password reset function.
•Product Types for This User - This text box allows the company to restrict the types of units that a user may be able to select. This field is only important for Rep permission level user accounts. See the matrix below for valid values based on the unit type.
System and Pricing Administrators can set the default multiplier settings on a user-by-user basis. Users with other permission levels will not be able to view or modify a user's default multiplier rates. If a representative commonly is granted a specific set of multipliers, setting the multipliers here means that the representative will not have to continuously request their standard multipliers for each quote or order they submit. This will also save time for the user's regional sales manager as they will not have to continually review reps multiplier requests. No matter the values set here the user can always request a different multiplier if needed. In the CMSC multipliers are assigned to product families.
Different multiplier rates can be assigned to the following product types:
•Default TC Multiplier - Refers to the Tranquility ® 16 Compact Single-Stage (TC)
•Default TRC Multiplier - Refers to Tranquility ® Console Units (TRC)
•Default Vertical Stack Multiplier - Refers to Tranquility ® Vertical Stack (TSM), Tranquility ® Vertical Stack - ducted (TSL), Tranquility ® Vertical Stack (TRM)
•Default Accessory Multiplier - Refers to all ClimateMaster Accessories regardless of family type
•Default All Other Products (AOP) Multiplier - Refers to any product that doesn't belong to one of the four types listed above
Multiplier values must be within the range of 0.001 to 1. The default multiplier for all values is set to 1. If you attempt to enter a multiplier outside of this range you will receive an error message informing you that the value needs to be adjusted.
When done making changes to the user's properties click the button. If you wish to cancel your changes click the