Price Verification Tool
The Price Verification Tool allows any user of the CMSC software to input an order string and have the system return a price. This tool is named the Order String Decoder. This tool can be used in one of three ways.
1.Input an order string code one at a time directly into the interface.
2.Select an existing order and process all the line items contained in the order.
3.Upload a CSV (comma separated values) file to the system.
Options 2 and 3 also allow the user to download a CSV file that can be opened in Excel or any program that supports CSV files for further processing.
To access the Order String Decoder tool select Order String Decoder from the Tools menu.
A screen similar to the following figure will be displayed.
Processing a single order string code
To process a single order string code enter the order code in the text box and click the button. The system will return a price. See the figure below for an example.
Process all the items in an existing order
If you want to process all the line items contained in an already existing order use the Process Order section of the tool. Select an order from the drop down list and click the button. Once the system has completed reading all the line items in the order a pop-up message will be displayed informing you that the processing is complete.
Click the button to dismiss the dialog box. The results of the processed order will be displayed in the second column in the results pane.
A CSV file of the results may be downloaded for further processing. To download a CSV results file click the button. Depending on your web browser type and version you may be presented with a pop-up dialog that prompts you to either download the file or cancel it.
To download the file, click the button. If you click
the file will not be downloaded.
If you wish to process an already existing CSV file from your local computer click the button. Select the file you wish to process and click open.
The file will be uploaded.
Once the file has been uploaded you will receive a message letting you know that the upload process is complete.
Click the button to dismiss the dialog box.
The results of the processed CSV file will be displayed.
As before, you can download a CSV version of the results to your local computer for further processing if desired.