Pricing a Line Item Project Management.Pricing a Line Item (80)
Rules You should know:
•You can price a line item before it is selected. Use this for quick pricing a job. Just realize that the engineering rules are not checked if the unit has not been selected yet. If a size or option is changed when you go back and select the unit, you will need to re-price the unit before it can be quoted or ordered.
•You can quote a line item before it has been selected, but the system will not allow you to order any line item that has not been selected.
•If you do selections before you price a line item, all the options chosen during selection will show up in pricing (and vice-versa) and the pricing will be calculated automatically. However, if you change an option that affects selection, the selection will automatically be flagged that it needs to be re-selected.
To price a line item, first open the project schedule as described in the section entitled Adding Line Items.
Click the Price icon in the Equipment Schedule to begin the pricing process. Select the required unit options and any desired additional options. On the Pricing Screen, the line item tag and Reference Number can be modified and the quantity to be ordered can be set. The required options will be highlighted in yellow and must be filled in before final pricing. Some of the options cannot be selected when other options are chosen. For example, certain types of controls are not available with certain motor types.
As options are selected, the price for the selected option and any price-dependent options are automatically updated as well as the Total List Price (shown below). Note that the list price shown is for reference and is not verified until the button is clicked.
Accessories associated with the line item are displayed at the bottom of the Pricing screen. If you wish to add an accessory to the item click the in the Current Accessories section.
This will display a pop-up box that will allow you to select an accessory type and then enter a quantity for the accessory being ordered. In certain cases the Available Accessories list will only display a subset of the accessories (such as in the case of vertical stack units) or a complete list of all accessories (displayed below). Find the accessory that you wish to select, enter the quantity and click the button. The accessory will be added to the line item in the page behind the pop-up. Once you have added all the desired accessories click the
button to return to the pricing screen.
The pricing summary area will be updated to reflect accessory pricing information. Click on the summary screen to save and return to the project schedule. If any of the items changed from the selection criteria entered previously a pop-up will appear that informs you that Performance Validation is required. See figure below:
If you click the button you will be redirected to the Design Requirements page where you can run through the selection process again. If you click
you will be returned to the Equipment Schedule page.
Power Tip: Want to price a job fast?
1.After your first line item is priced, go to the Project Schedule screen. Select that line item, and click the
button and enter the quantity of line items “Qty” to create more line items that have similar options and accessories. Pricing this way usually saves a lot of your time.
2.Then edit these line items by changing the size or anything else and re-price. The Pricing rules for each product will be checked as you Price.