Importing Accounts
After making the desired changes to the Excel document, save it and prepare to import it back to the server.
Importing the file merges the changes in the Excel document with the existing information in the tblUsers and tblUserDefaults table. You cannot use the import process to add new user accounts to the system. New user accounts must be created as detailed in the help topic Adding New Users.
To import the users file, click the Import from Excel button at the top of the Users Import/Export page.
When the Import button is clicked the system will prompt the user for the import file using the standard Windows file open dialog box as shown in the figure below.
Use the navigation features of the File Upload dialog box to locate the file that you wish to upload. Select the file and click the Open button.
A progress bar will display that will inform you of the progress of the upload as shown in the figure below.
Once the file upload is complete, a new button will be displayed in the Users Import/Export page. The name of the button will vary depending on the name of the file. In this example, the file name was users.xls.
The appearance of the button lets the user know that the file was uploaded successfully and is ready to be checked. Click the check format button to have the system perform a data integrity check on the uploaded data. The following will happen when the check format button is clicked.
1.Users will be deleted from the temporary table used during the update process.
2.Checks to see if any of the uploaded users have missing varIDs. If so, those users will be skipped during the processing of the imported users.
3.Checks to see if any of the uploaded users have missing multipliers. If so, those users will be assigned a multiplier value of 1 during the processing.
4.Checks to see if any of the uploaded users have missing permission levels. If so, those users will be skipped during the processing of the imported users.
5.Checks to see if any of the uploaded users have missing timeout values. If so, those users will be assigned a value of 30 minutes during the processing.
6.Checks to see if any of the uploaded users have missing company ids. If so, those users will be skipped during the processing of the imported users.
7.Checks to see if any users as missing a company name. If so, the system will attempt to locate the company name from the company id and assign it to the user.
8.Checks to see if any of the uploaded users have missing e-mail addresses. If so, those users will be skipped during the processing of the imported users.
9.Checks to see if any of the uploaded users have missing first or last names. If so, those users will be skipped.
10.Checks to see if any of the uploaded users have missing Regional Sales Managers. If so, the record will be processed but users that have a missing RSM will not be able to process Multiplier Requests.
11.Checks to see if any of the uploaded users have missing parent user ids. If so, the user will be skipped during the processing.
Any errors will be returned to the user in a pop up dialog box as shown in the following figure.
Any errors should be corrected before processing the uploaded data. Click the Cancel button, correct the errors and upload the file again.
Continue the upload, edit process until 0 errors are present in the uploaded data. Once all errors have been corrected the pop up will display the message "No errors were found".
During the processing a wait graphic will be displayed. After the processing is finished, the system will display a message similar to the one below.
The total number of records is displayed. Click the OK button to close the processing pop up. The import process is now complete.