Searching the Solution Center                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Misc.Searching the Solution Center (810)


Starting with version 3.3.9 of the Solution Center software, it is possible for users and administrators to search across the entire Solution Center by a number of different factors. Users of all permission levels are able to search for any or all of the following:






Users (Rep Managers and higher)

All of the above


How it Works

The search feature uses the permission level of the currently logged on user to determine the scope of the user's search capabilities. Users can search for any or all of the objects above. The system will return a list of all objects that meet the user's search criteria based on their permission level.


Using the Search Page

To access the search page select Search Solution Center from the Tools menu as shown in the figure below.




This will redirect you to the search page. Depending upon your permission level, several grids will be displayed. Below is a table that describes each grid along with the permission level required.



Description and Searched fields

Minimum Permission Level


Displays companies that meet the user's search criteria


Fields that are searched:

Company Name

This grid is displayed to all users

If the user is logged in with Administrative permissions (Application Engineer or higher) the user will see a list of all the companies in the Solution Center that meet their search criteria.

If the user is logged in as a Rep Manager, the user will only see companies associated with users for which the manager is a parent.

If the user is logged in as a Rep, Engineer or Public User, the user will only see the company to which they belong.


Displays projects that meet the user's search criteria


Fields that are searched:

Project Name

Project Description

Creator Name

This grid is displayed to all users

If the user is logged in with Administrative permissions (Application Engineer or higher) the user will see a list of all the projects in the Solution Center that meet their search criteria.

If the user is logged in as a Rep Manager, the user will see projects associated with users for which the manager is a parent, projects that they have created or projects to which they have been granted access.

If the user is logged in as a Rep, Engineer or Public User, the user will only see projects that they have created or projects to which they have been granted access.


Displays orders that meet the user's search criteria


Fields that are searched:

Project Name

Customer Name

Order Name

Order Number

This grid is displayed to all users

If the user is logged in with Administrative permissions (Application Engineer or higher) the user will see a list of all the orders in the Solution Center that meet their search criteria.

If the user is logged in as a Rep Manager, the user will see orders associated with users for which the manager is a parent or orders that they have created.

If the user is logged in as a Rep, Engineer or Public User, only orders that they have created or are part of projects to which they have been granted access to will be displayed.


Displays quotes that meet the user's search criteria


Fields that are searched:

Project Name

Customer Name

Quote Name

Quote Number

This grid is displayed to all users

If the user is logged in with Administrative permissions (Application Engineer or higher) the user will see a list of all the quotes in the Solution Center that meet their search criteria.

If the user is logged in as a Rep Manager, the user will see quotes associated with users for which the manager is a parent or quotes that they have created.

If the user is logged in as a Rep, Engineer or Public User, only quotes that they have created or are part of projects to which they have been granted access to will be displayed.


Displays users that meed the user's search criteria


Fields that are searched:

User Name

First Name

Last Name

E-mail Address

Company Name

This grid is only displayed to users with Rep Manager or higher permissions.

If the user is logged in with Administrative permissions (Application Engineer or higher) the user will see a list of all the users in the Solution Center that meet their search criteria.

If the user is logged in as a Rep Manager, the user will see any users to which the user is a parent that meet their search criteria.

If the user is logged in as a Rep, Engineer or Public User, the grid is not displayed.




By default, the page will show the maximum content based on your permission level. Depending upon your permission level this may result in hundreds or even thousands of items being displayed. You may use the search text box at the top of the page to filter or narrow down the information displayed.



If you wish to search for a specific item you may enter text in the search text box and click the Search button to filter the data displayed in the grids.


If you do not specify an object/category type to filter by, the system will search all of the object/category types. For example, if you enter BCA in the search text box and click the Search button the system will search:


Companies (for any any company with BCA in the name)

Projects (for any project name, description or creator name with BCA)

Orders (for any orders with an associated project name, customer name, order name or order number of BCA)

Quotes (for any quotes with an associated project name, customer name, quote name or quote number of BCA)

Users (for any users with a user name, first name, last name, e-mail address or company name of BCA)


Below is an example of the search results




If no results were located based on your search criteria or permission level, the grids will display as much information as possible along with text informing you of the results as shown below.



In addition to searching across all objects/categories, you may filter your search results further by selecting the object type or category you wish to search. For example if you wish to search for projects with the text "School" in their project name you can enter School in the search text box, select Projects in the drop down list box and click the Search button. The system will only search projects with the text School contained in their name as shown in the figure below.




The system performs a LIKE search which means that it will search for your text contained within a string or field. The search text is not case-sensitive, so BCA is the same as bca. The more characters you enter the narrower the search.


You may also reset the search criteria by clicking the Reset button at the top of the page. This will clear any search terms you may have entered as well as reset the category back to All. The grids will refresh and contain the default information based on your permission level.


Each grid contains information relevant to the grid and contains click-able icons. The location of where the icon will direct the user varies based on the grid and the icon but should mirror the functionality contained on the other dashboards or detail pages.